Monday, September 30, 2019

Leadership Theories Essay

There are many leadership theories that have oriented and contributed for the leaders in management. One of them is the â€Å"Situational Approach† theory, which was found by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard (1979). In this task, we will evaluate the usefulness of the leadership styles mentioned in the theory, then compare and contrast with some of the other styles. 1. Evaluate Four leadership styles include: Directing, Coaching, Supporting and Delegating. According to Seth Godin (2012, Situational Leadership by Kenneth Blanchard and Paul Hersey), when Style 1 (Directing) said that leaders closely supervise followers and give the recommendation and decisions themselves; Style 2 (Coaching) showed that the leaders still take responsibility in supporting and making decision but there is more two-way communication between them and the employees. Supporting Style (S3) indicated that the followers now do not need too much motivations and support and they can equally make decisions with the leaders, whereas for Delegating Style, the followers control and fully take responsibilities of their work without the leaders’ help. From our perspective, these leadership styles are very helpful for the managers. They are easy to follow and help the manager to figure out which one is mostly appropriate to apply for their employees in every specific situation. For example, Directing Style is applied for â€Å"people who lack competence but are enthusiastic and committed† (Godin, 2012) while Delegating Style is suitable for employees who are highly-skilled and also, can independently do their jobs without others’ support. By selecting correct leadership styles for each worker, the managers may easily divide them into every working development level and give them their best suitable jobs. Once the employees are able to do their appropriate work, they can give their best performance and improve their own abilities more. 2.  Compare and contrast with some of the other style The theory of Hersey and Blanchard (1969) concentrate on leadership in situation and followers. It is said that the manager evaluates the competence and commitment of his subordinates to choose the best management style. For example, in a handicraft company, a superior usually focus on his employees to rate them by two criteria: capacity and commitment. Then, he finds the suitable style to direct and support them in work. He doesn’t pay attention to the desired outcome when he applies this theory in his leadership. Therefore, the theory has a drawback when it does not concern to the task/production. Meanwhile, Blake and Mouton’s managerial Grid(1964) talks about the relationship between task and people. This theory said that when a manager has a high rate in both â€Å"concern for people† and â€Å"concern for production†, the organization will achieve a high performance (BPP, p. 177). Apparently, it is useful to appraise the manager’s performance but did not point out how the manager direct or support his workers. On the other hand, the leadership styles of Goleman (2000) seems to have the most comprehensive overview and covers most of factors which have influence on leadership: leaders, contingent, followers and desired outcome. It has 6 distinctive styles applied in each specific situation with specific types of employees and detail desired outcomes. The newest style can be the best choice to put into the reality and help leader improve not only the organization’s performance but his performance as well. When the organization creates a change, there are some people who agree or disagree with the change.  In the respect of people disagreeing, six solutions were made by Kotter and Schlesinger in 1979 in order to help the leaders to persuade the staffs disagreeing. In the scope of the assignment, we will mention three techniques: education and commitment, facilitation and support, participation and involvement. To begin with education and commitment, the leader will announce the change to the staffs before operation and explain the employees to understand the benefit of the change. The solution is used when the workers misunderstand information or their information is imprecise. For example, if the company has a plan moving worker A from Marketing department to Administration department, they will give the advantage of the moving such as an easier work or higher bonus and convince the staff A before giving the announcement. This will bring the pleasure to help the staffs accept the change but the leader will lose time to explain with the workers Moreover, facilitation and support is known that the manager will assist the people suffering the adversity of change about the feeling and matter. The technique is referred when there are too many complaints from the workers about the change. For instance, when the company moves the place from the center of the city to the suburb, the workers will complain about the long road they must go to work and they will spend too much time to go to work. In the situation, the manager will support the transportation or increase salaries for the workers. Although the company lose the expenditure, they will keep the satisfied of staffs and create the comfort for the employees in order that the workers will accept the change and concentrate on working better. On the other hand, â€Å"participation and involvement† gives people chance to help design and execute the changes. The advantages are that it can add information to change planning and builds commitment to change. However, if a company do not make right plan to overcoming resistance, they will take risk with their employees. If someone has important information and/or power to resist, the organization have to make a clearly strategy so that they can select the right person who they need. If they got mistake in their plan, the wrong person will get the wrong participation and it will give nothing to the company and make that person feel uncomfortable. They will be disappointed and depressed; lead to it is their performance will down.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethical Decisions Scenario

Assignment: Ethical Decisions Scenario Analysis Melissa McClellan Appendix C Ethical Decisions Scenario Analysis For each of the following scenarios answer the questions and explain whether your answers fit with traditional or modern ethical thinking. After you have finished responding to the scenarios, discuss whether you generally make ethical decisions using a traditional or a modern ethical model. Provide an example using an experience you have had in your daily life.    | |Scenario One | |You are a manager at your current company. You receive a call requesting a character reference for an employee you know to be | |unreliable and dishonest but who has not broken any rule directly. | |a. What should you tell the prospective employer? | |b. What type of information would you tell the prospective employer? | |c. How would what you share be to your advantage or disadvantage? |   | |   | |Response to Questions | | | |a) As manager of this employee, I would have to tell the pros pective employer only what is factual and not elaborate on my | |suspicions.Meaning that I could not state my personal opinion about the employee being unreliable and dishonest if no rules were | |broken and the employee was never reprimanded for bad behaviors. | |b) Since this is a character reference then only character type information may be given. In this case the character reference may | |include what good qualities the employee has, a good team worker, learns quickly, etc. If there were no good characteristics, then a| |polite no thank you would have to do. |c) The advantages come in the form of not being sued by anyone for badmouthing the employee and maybe the employee will actually get | |the other job, therefore not your problem anymore. This is really a damn if I do or do not situation and has to be handled in a | |competent manner. | |The only disadvantage I can see with this situation is not being able to warn the prospective employer about the bad characteristics | | of this employee but without any reprimands or facts to back up the words it is not an option. | | | | | | | | |   | |   | |   | |Scenario Two | |   | |Mike is currently enrolled in a challenging course. His personal life is also unusually complicated by his seriously ill mother who | |lives out of state. Mike receives an e-mail from an individual who has taken this course previously and whom Mike knows did | |reasonably well in it. In the e-mail, the individual offers Mike, for a fee, all the course assignments, discussion question | |responses, and Checkpoint answers. | |a. How should Mike reply to his friend? | |b. What are the positive and negative consequences of accepting this offer? | |c. What are the positive and negative consequences of refusing this offer? |   | | | |Response to Questions | | | |a) Ethically, it would be wrong for Mike to accept his friends offer and he should decline the offer with a prompt thank you but no | |thanks. | |b) The positive conseque nces are obsolete if Mike has a conscience or a sense of right and wrong. The negative perhaps come in | |greater numbers by accepting his friends offer. First, Mike would not learn much from his course and he would not gain any knowledge | |about course material.Second, school policy indicates that we should do our own work and there is a chance Mike would plagiarize or| |be expelled from school for using another’s work. | |c) The positive consequences of refusing his friends offer comes in the form of self-satisfaction and knowing he accomplished his | |work even though other areas of life are tough. In addition, Mike can be spared any bad situations with the school if he were caught| |using another’s work. The negative consequences for Mike may be minimal after refusing his friends help if he deals with each of his| |problems one-step and day at a time. Mike may have to take a temporary break from school to deal with other things but that is only | |a sacrifice that is required in life to see positive outcomes. |   | |   | |Scenario Three | |   | |You are a politician involved in a hotly contested race to retain your  seat on the city commission. The political issues are | |important to you, but allegations have been raised that your opponent is leaving his wife for a younger woman. These allegations are | |unproven. Your campaign advisors have urged you to release this information to help your campaign. | |a. What moral and ethical considerations come into play when making this decision? | |b. What are the positive and negative consequences of using the information? | |c. What are the positive and negative consequences of not using the information? |   | |   | |   | |Response to Questions | |   | |a) The moral and ethical considerations center on what is right and what is wrong when it comes to serving those that vote for me as | |a politician. If the political issues are important to me then I would want to run the race as le gitimate as possible. Ethically it | |would be wrong to exploit the other opponent in such a way that says I would stoop to any level to maintain my seat on the city | |commission. | |b) I really don’t see any positive consequence if I use the derogatory information because I will know what I did was wrong. The | |negative consequences would be various.Using the information could affect any respect my staff had for me, it could backfire and | |cause me to lose the race, and I would know what I did was wrong and it would play into future decisions. | |c) I can only relate the positive consequences of not using the information as the negative are obsolete. Sure, I could lose the | |race to my opponent by not using the information but that is not really a negative consequence because I know I did things right and | |morally. The positives know I ran the race honestly without hard balling anyone and possibly ruining my own credibility. This sort | |of behavior can follow an indiv idual for the rest of their career so it is always better to do things honestly. | Reflection Question: Discuss whether you generally make ethical decisions using a traditional or a modern ethical model.Provide an example using an experience you have had in your daily life. I truly think I am more of a traditional type decision maker where treating others with respect and honesty is most important for good outcomes. I also feel some of the modern way of thinking is helpful especially when dealing with work issues. My ethical decisions are made based on what I feel is right and wrong, which is something that has always been a strong force within me. An example of an experience I have had is recent and is something I have always taught my child. My son and I were visiting the park a few weeks ago and we found a wallet with everything intact including money.My first instinct was to look in the wallet for some sort of identification (possibly a phone number) and contact the owner. This information was available so I used my cell to call the individual and they came right down to pick the wallet up. They were so relieved that someone would actually call and return their property. I simply replied that I hoped if it were my wallet that the same would happen for me because that is the right thing to do. Not only did I make someone’s day better but I also set a very good visual example for my two-year-old son. While he may not understand what I did, he will have an example of respect and honesty which are two values and ethics I want to instill in him.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

African Women under Slavery

This paper discusses the experiences of African American Women under slavery during the Slave Trade, their exploitation, the secrecy, the variety of tasks and positions of slave women, slave and ex-slave narratives. Also, this paper presents the hardships African American women faced and the challenges they overcame to become equal with men in today’s society. Slavery was a destructive experience for African Americans especially women. Black women suffered doubly during the slave era. Slave Trade The West African Slave Trade was a global event that focused on West Africa. It was the sale and ownership of another human being that was put into slavery. It was a type of â€Å"forced Migration† that lasted 300 years. From around 1551 thru 1850 about 15 million people were brought into the slave trade it is said that roughly 5 million people did not survive, and may have immediately died before making through the shock of enslavement. About 10 million people in the western hemisphere survived and were sold on the auction block. Generations continued into slavery, the offspring was also brought into slavery. The owners liked the idea of their slaves reproducing. This meant their work force would grow without having to spend much money on slaves. About 250 million lived in slavery throughout the 300 years. Slavery was also a traditional part of African society, various states and kingdoms in Africa operated one or more of the following: chattel slavery, debt bondage, forced labor, and serfdom. Ghana, Mali, Songhai were kingdoms that had large economies and supported large populations, they had knowledge of agriculture, and grew many different crops that sustained many people. Because of the West African Slave Trade, These kingdoms were affected by greed and would often go to war and capture prisoners to sell into slavery. The Middle Passage was the journey of slave trading ships from the west coast of Africa, where the slaves were obtained, across the Atlantic, where they were sold or, in some cases, traded for goods such as molasses, which was used in the making of rum. However, this voyage has come to be remembered for much more than simply the transport and sale of slaves. The Middle Passage was the longest, hardest, most dangerous, and also most horrific part of the journey of the slave ships. With extremely tightly packed loads of human cargo that stank and carried both infectious disease and death, the ships would travel east to west across the Atlantic on a miserable voyage lasting at least five weeks, and sometimes as long as three months. Although incredibly profitable for both its participants and their investing backers, the terrible Middle Passage has come to represent the ultimate in human misery and suffering. The abominable and inhuman conditions which the Africans were faced with on their voyage clearly display the great evil of the slave trade. While there was slavery throughout World History, never has it reached such an epic proportion as during the Middle Passage/ transatlantic slave trade. At this time, no one knows exactly how many Africans died at sea during the Middle Passage experience. Estimates for the total number of Africans lost to the slave trade range from 25 to 50 million. The Middle Passage was a term used to describe the triangular route of trade that brought Africans to the Americas and rum and sugar cane to Europe. It was synonymous with pain and suffering. The journey from Africa to the Americas would take as many as 30 to 90 days. Many of the ships were called â€Å"loose packers† which meant that the slaves were not overlapping each other or â€Å"tight packers†, describing the capacity of the slave ship. The smell of rotten bodies thrown overboard lured sharks to the ships route; European countries participating in the slave trade accumulated tremendous wealth and global power from the capturing and selling of Africans into slavery. Originally, slaves were sold to the Portuguese and Spanish colonies in South and Central Americas to work on sugar cane plantations. The middle passage was the worst thing that could happen to African American slaves. For most women who endured it, the experience of the Slave Trade was one of being outnumbered by men. Roughly one African woman was carried across the Atlantic for every two men. The captains of slave ships were usually instructed to buy as high a proportion of men as they could, because men could be sold for more in the Americas. Women thus arrived in the American colonies as a minority. For some reason, women did not stay a minority. Slave records found that most plantations, even during the period of the slave trade, there were relatively equal numbers of men and women. Slaveholders showed little interest in women as mothers. Their willingness to pay more for men than women, despite the fact than children born to enslaved women would also be the slave-owners’ property and would thus increase their wealth. Women who did have children, always struggled with the impossible conflict between, their own physical needs and their children’s need for care, not to mention the requirements forced on them by plantation work regimes. Women’s inability to maintain the pace of work required by plantation owners during pregnancy, their need for recovery time after childbirth, and the needs of their young children to be fed, cleaned, loved, and integrated spiritually and socially into the human community, all brought them into conflict with the demands of the owners and managers of the plantations on which they worked1. Exploitation The slave owner’s exploitation of the African woman’s sexuality was one of the most significant factors differentiating the experience of slavery for males and females. The white man’s claim to the slave body, male as well as female, was inherent in the concept of the Slave Trade and was tangibly realized perhaps nowhere more than the auction block. Captive Africans were stripped of their clothing, oiled down, and poked and prodded by potential buyers. The erotic undertones of such scenes were particularly pronounced in the case of black women. Throughout the period of slavery in America, white society believed black women to be innately lustful beings. The perception of the African woman as hyper-sexual made her both the object of white man’s disgust and his fantasy. Within the bounds of slavery, masters often felt it was their right to engage in sexual activity with black women. Sometimes, female slaves made advances hoping that such relationships would increase the chances that they or their children would be liberated by the master; most of the time, slave owners took slaves by force. For the most part, masters made young, single slaves the objects of their sexual pursuits. They did on occasion rape married women. The inability of the slave husband to protect his wife from such violation points to another fundamental aspect of the relationship between enslaved men and women. The restrictions of slave law and circumstances of slave life created a sense of parity between black wives and husbands. A master’s control over both spouses reduced the black male’s potential for dominance over his wife. Whenever possible, black slave women manipulated their unique circumstances in the struggle for their personal dignity and that of their families. Black women rebelled against the inhumanities of slave owners. Like their ancestors and counterparts in Africa, most slave women took their motherhood seriously. They put their responsibilities before their own safety and freedom, provided for children not their own, and gave love even to those babies born from violence2. Secrecy Due to the sexual escapades of the white slave owners, both white and African American women had to keep births on the plantation a secret. A female slave was never able to say who the father of her child was. In some of the books on slave records, the father of the slave child would not be recorded because the child would have the status of the mother, regardless. If the female slave ever tried to tell who the father of her child was, she could be sent to jail, beaten, sold to another owner, or killed as a result. If a mistress knew that her husband was cheating on her, there was not very much that she could do. In some cases, the white women would make the slave woman work harder, be very rude to her, or even ask her husband to beat her3. Traditions With many diverse women coming from various places in Africa the daily living, clothing, religion and vast personal mile stones like circumcision, birth, and even marriage are handled differently. Beginning from a child where you grow determines the traditions you inherit. Children in rural Africa communities were all seen as sons and daughters of the entire community. After being sold as slaves many families were torn apart, which mean people had to carry this tradition along because there actually family were gone. On plantations every adult was respected as one’s mother or father. Older women and men stood cherished for the fact they were the wisest to the way to survive. One day a week the slave families would be allowed to gather for a type of religious gathering where they were only allowed to praise whomever they worshiped for an hour of the day. Polygamy was also practiced by many of the slaves, either men had many wives or vice versa. This was brought over to the plantations, as it was also practiced in the homeland. Variety of Tasks and Positions of Slave Women African American women were responsible for a lot of tasks that had to be done inside of the slave owners household or fields. Enslaved women were charged with a different variety of tasks such as cooking, cleaning, laundry, running errands, going to the market, plantation work, looking after children, etc. 4. Slavery taught women to be self-reliant, whereas white women were dependent socially and economically on men. On plantations, men and women did equally difficult work as stated before but often they did the same jobs. Not all labor by women was traditionally women’s work, though men did not usually perform tasks traditionally done by women. Women worked in the fields alongside the men, but most of the hard labor was performed by the men or women past childbearing age. Pregnant women and nursing mothers were often given lighter work. Several positions were open to female slaves that were considered skill labor and so quite respected by the slave community. One of these was the cook, who prepared food for the master’s household and for the slaves themselves when they came back from the fields. The other one is sewing. Some women, who knew how, were responsible for sewing the clothes for the entire community and if they were quite excellent, for the master’s family, too. The skill of midwifery was strictly for female slaves, and like cooking and sewing was considered a highly skilled labor. Learned from the mother or another relative (aunt), a midwife catered to blacks and whites alike, and continues to be a prominent job among African American women. Many times, slave women were looked up to for leadership because of their occupation, their age, or their number of children, and the fact that the work done by the majority of the women was done in groups. The existence of skills was respected labor strictly for women, and the control of child and medical care by women points to the idea that black females were able to order their own community among women5. Female Slave and Ex-Slave Narratives There were quite a few female slave and ex-slave narratives written during the slave era. As historical documents, slave narratives chronicle the evolution of white supremacy in the South from eighteenth-century slavery through early twentieth-century segregation. Most of these autobiographies as narratives give voice to generations of black people who, despite written off by white southern literature, still found a way to donate a literary legacy of enormous collective significance to the South and the United States. The narratives portrays slavery as a condition of extreme physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual deprivation, a kind of hell on earth which precipitated the slave’s decision to escape is some sort of personal crisis, such as the sale of a loved one or a dark night of the soul in which hope contends with despair for the spirit of the slave. Impelled by faith in God and a commitment to liberty and human dignity comparable (the slave narratives often stresses) to that of America’s Founding Fathers, the slave undertakes a difficult quest for freedom that climaxes in his or her arrival in the North. The attainment of freedom is signaled not simply by reaching the Free states, but by renaming oneself and dedicating one’s future to antislavery activism6. Additionally, slave and ex-slave narratives stressed how African Americans survived slavery, making a way out of no way, often times resisting exploitation, occasionally fighting back and escaping in search of a better prospects elsewhere in the North. The most memorable of these narratives evoke the national myth of the American individual’s quest for freedom and for a society based on â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. † Slave and ex-slave narratives are important not only for what they tell us about African American history and literature, but also because they reveal the complexities of the dialogue between whites and blacks in America, particularly African Americans. Several women come to mind when slave and ex-slave narratives is talked about. The first being, Phyllis Wheatley, she became the first African-American woman author to publish a book of Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. Another one being Lucy Terry, although her poems was not published until after her death, â€Å"Bar Fights† was the first poem composed by another African American woman. Her poems recalls the popular captivity narrative of the colonial period, in which she recounts her experience in captivity among the Indians, and establishes early on the central role of African American women in American literary history. Also, Harriet Jacobs cannot be forgotten. She published â€Å"Harriet Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl†, which is an account of her brutal life and thrilling escape. She describes spending seven years of her life hiding in a crawl space – nine feet long, seven feet wide, and three feet long in her narrative. Two of the most iconic women during the slavery period was Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. Sojourner Truth is now like a nearly mythical figure who was a strong proponent of equal rights for both African Americans and women, never compromising her struggle for one to gain the other. She was the first to attend the First National Women’s Rights Convention in 1850, where she was the only black woman to be a speaker. Not only was Sojourner Truth a highly visible symbol of abolition on the speaking platform, so was Harriet Tubman. Harriet was a powerful underground force of liberation. She became the most active conductor on the Underground Railroad, returning 19 times and helping 300 slaves escape through the North to Canada7. There are so many more great women such as Frances Harper, Ida Wells-Barnett, Mary Church Terrell, and Anna Cooper that made significant contributions to African American women history. These women paved the way for other great women like Zora Hurston, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jo Ann Robinson, Rosa Parks, Maya Angelou, Alice Walker, and Toni Morrison to make their mark in history. Significant Contributions Based on the research and reading, we can agree that women during the slave era made significant contributions that led to monumental changes in equal rights for women. Women have always played second behind the man which makes it hard to feel equal. Women slaves were the central nucleus that kept families together. The information presented shows that a lot of the families were solely raised by the woman. Black women learned to cope with the problems of raising children without men. Also, because of the experiences of women under slavery, they opened doors for women to have better pay, jobs, and the most important one, being able to vote. Women have made tremendous strides during the abolition era, the feminist era that reemerged in the sixties as a result of the male chauvinism within the Civil Rights, Black Power, and student movements that traces directly back to women under slavery. This courageous history should inspire every woman today, reflecting back on what our ancestors had to fight for, for us to enjoy the liberties we take for granted. In conclusion, this paper discussed the experiences of African American Women under slavery during the Slave Trade, their exploitation, the secrecy, the variety of tasks and positions of slave women, slave and ex-slave narratives; also, this paper discussed the hardships African American women faced and the challenges they overcame to become equal with men in today’s society. What must not be forgotten, is that African American women never stopped fighting against racial prejudices and sexual abuses. We will never know the exact number of slave women who were raped, but their testimonies make us think that almost all of them had been raped. Most importantly, the most efficient method women developed was to speak out about their experiences in order to make people discover this hidden part of American history, and they surely did.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Character of Physical Law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Character of Physical Law - Coursework Example For instance, the moon still shines even when it is invisible. Einstein proved the relationship between conservation and locality principle in his special theory of relativity. According to Feynman, charge represent charged sub-atomic particle (electron or proton), hence a thing. On the other hand, energy is a behavior of objects, which can only be explained through abstract mathematical formulas. Charge obeys the principle of conservation, has the baryon number, and is relativistic invariance (Louisa, 2008). The three properties make charge more of a thing than a behavior. On the other hand, energy obeys the conservation principle but does have baryon number. The photon polarization experiment attempts to explain polarized sinusoidal plane electromagnetic wave. The experiment can be set in a linear or a circular format to achieve either circular or linear polarization. To determine the relationship between polarization and wave motion the experiment applies quantum mathematical vari ables such as vectors, unitary operators, and probability. The experiment investigates infinitesimal transformations of classical polarization state of a wave. The experiment can be conducted using a pair of Polaroid sunglasses. According to Bell's Theorem, the two values are localized. Thus, their action goes beyond their presence. In this experiment, the speed of light is a universal constant that represent the upper bound (limit) of any variable. According to Goodman ‘grue’ is the appearance of an object relative to a time interval t. Thus, an object is grue if it is green before time t elapses and blue afterwards. However, the original definition asserts that an object is green irrespective of the time it is observed. Grue is used to make conclusions on scientific induction problems. For example, the problem of green and grue emeralds can be concluded through induction. Obviously all emeralds examined so far are green; therefore, we are compelled to conclude that al l emeralds discovered in future will be green. It is unrealistic to conclude that emeralds discovered after time t will be grue. The statements; â€Å"all emeralds are green" and all emeralds are grue" are classical induction problems (Ragep, 2001). Such problems cannot be concluded using the principle of grue due to the invariance of form. In addition, ‘grue’ is an inherently time-indexed concept. The concept is not well defined due to variation of language and definitions. Therefore, the term ‘grue’ should not be incorporated in induction. Galileo principle of inertia asserts that a body moving on a level surface will continue to move in the same direction, unless disturbed. This principle is related to Newton’s first law of motion, which states that relate the resultant force to mass and acceleration. The force of gravity provides an answer to questions of â€Å"what keeps planets on their orbits.† Newton concluded that the force of gravit y is universal and is dependent on masses of objects and the distance separating them. These insights are equivalent to the Kepler's planetary motion law, which states, â€Å"An imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time.† On page 21, Feynman discusses how Newton tested an idea of his and concludes: This was a dramatic test that everything is all right." Feynman argued that Kepler’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

High School Graduation celeberation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

High School Graduation celeberation - Essay Example In some occasions the students receive a piece of paper wrapped in a ribbon; this is usually a mock of the diploma, which is awarded much latter. Students are thanked and appreciated during this ceremony for being able to complete the course and successfully graduating. In most cases the students are always present during the graduation and during speeches. In some cases some students a re also appointed to appreciate the teaches and the parents the parents are appreciated for letting the students go to school , the teachers are mentioned to have worked with the students tirelessly to see them through education and finally graduating. Students are then asked to form alumni. In this way, they are requested to support the school in all possible means as will as coming back to the school to encourage other students to work hard and look forward to such a graduation as that. In other institutions they are requested to support the school financially may be in its expansion .the immediate former students of each school should act as role models of all the remaining students. Supporting the school may even include holding fundraising in support of the school in many matters which include paying school fees for needy students in the school or building up a project in the same school. Most parents are aware that a successful education involves more than the teachers and the students , they are also supposed to be part of the learning experience. To succeed, the parents are also supposed to include their support in all ways possible including financial and moral support .the parents should form a parent and teacher’ s organization or committee so that they are able to discuss matters that should help the school. Competition is very healthy in every day life and so should it be even in education, healthy competition is where one competes with himself first before competing with the rest of the students as well as other schools latter in the education

Term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Term paper - Essay Example The author tries to accomplish awareness among people. There is no argumentation here, Michelle Nijhuis only informs the audience what amazing people like Kress have done for this planet to preserve the lifecycle. Nijuis describes what puffins are; in her description she uses emotions to clear the purpose. She didn’t start by ‘the earth needs its birds to keep the natural lifecycle intact’. She merely drew the picture in readers’ minds that puffins are simply adorable to look at and their chicks bring that emotional ‘awe’ to the mouth when one sees them. But there shouldn’t be any misdirection here, she clarifies that no one needs to be an bird lover to admire cute birds like puffin. What she’s really saying is that if people like Kress are not there, we (the readers) would have missed out on such cute animals, that is the purpose of her article. Since the article is published in the Slate Magazine, the audience belongs to many ar eas of life. Slate magazine covers many areas including business, politics and technology, so anyone out there is the target. This earth and its species are for everyone. Stephen Kress is not the only one responsible for protection of puffins. This article can be read online and that makes the whole world Nijhuis’s audience. There aren’t only puffins that need to be taken care of; many other breeds of various other animals are disappearing fast. How to Fake a Puffin Society can save endangered whales, or correct someone who is poaching Siberian tigers for their fur or a person that is stealing eggs from an eagle’s nest in Himalayas. The audience is not limited by any means, it is an inspiration for all. One doesn’t need to be scientist like Kress or an article writer like Michelle to take care of the natural habitat. The audience is everyone who lives and breathes on this planet. Nijhuis comes across the subject in both neutral and funny way. There is a mix of personas. For instance when Kress was at

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sources and Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sources and Writing - Assignment Example Approximately 200 ethnic origins are found in Canada, according to the 2013 National Household Surveys. 13 other ethnic groups have a population of more than one million people (Edward, 2014). The recent immigrant population is relatively young. Since 2006, 58.6% of the immigrants belonged to the 25-54 working age group. Canada entails a linguistically diversified country. The country is increasingly being multilingual, due to the increasing immigrants who do not understand English or French. 72.8% of the immigrant population illustrates mother tongue which is not English or French. Two thirds of the Canadian population is Christian (Doug, 2011). But, the immigration patterns illustrates the increasing levels of individuals with several other religious beliefs; for instance, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhists. Before the 1970s, majority of the immigrants to Canada were from European countries like United Kingdom, Italy and Netherlands. Presently, the levels of European immigrants have drastically reduced (Brooks, 2013). Canada entails multicultural society that has an ethno-cultural composition that has been developed by immigrants over

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Brand image of Kenya as a destination Dissertation

Brand image of Kenya as a destination - Dissertation Example With the aim to identify the image of and the potential of Kenya as a destination, three objectives were set in Chapter I. After extensive literature review, the methodology was stated in Chapter III. This was a quantitative study in which primary data was collected through survey questionnaires. The findings and conclusion have been presented below. The study concludes that Kenya offers various attractions such sports, adventure, nature-based holiday, wildlife and safaris and beach and cultural tourism. However, nature and wildlife tourism are the only ones that are largely advertised for as is evident from some of the brochures from different countries. The perception of Kenya in the minds of the people is that of a country with low cost of living, a country where theft and robbery is common, or a country that specializes in wildlife tours and nature-based tourism. Nowhere has beach tourism or cultural tourism been publicized. People derive their perceptions either through their ow n experience or through the media. The tour operators play a critical role in projecting the right image of any destination. The tour operators in turn, should be educated and familiarized with the destination by the host country government. The study concludes that Kenya carries a poor brand image in the minds of the people. The brand image can be enhanced through proper marketing strategy and through educating the tourists. Table of Contents Chapter I: Introduction 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Rationale for the study 2 1.3 Research Aims and Objectives 2 1.4 Structure of the study 3 Chapter II: Literature Review 2.1 Kenya – as a destination 5 2.1.1 Mass tourism and decline 6 2.1.2 Tourist activities in Kenya 8 2.2 Motivation for tourism 9 2.3 Brand image in tourism 10 2.4 Role of tour operators 13 Chapter III: Methodology 3.1 Research philosophy 14 3.2 Purpose and phenomenon of research 14 3.3 Epistemology 14 3.4 Research approach 15 3.5 Data collection 15 3.6 Data collection instru ment 16 3.7 Research Design 16 3.8 Ethical concerns 17 Chapter IV: Findings and Discussions 4.1 Introduction 18 4.2 Findings from survey 18 4.3 Discussions 24 Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendations 5.1 Conclusion 27 5.2 Limitations 28 5.3 Recommendations 28 References 30 Appendices 32 Figures and Charts Figure 2.1 Brochure of Ministry of Tourism 11 Figure 2.2 Brochure of UK-based tour operator 12 Figure 2.3 Brochure of an Australian-based tour operator 13 Chart 4.1 Age Group 18 Chart 4.2: Occupation 19 Chart 4.3: Visited Kenya 19 Chart 4.4: Purpose of visit 20 Chart 4.5: Duration of stay 20 Chart 4.6: Accommodation used 21 Chart 4.7: Image of Kenya 21 Chart 4.8: Perceptions of safety 22 Chart 4.9: Source of information 22 Chart 4.10 Memorable experiences 23 Chart 4.11: Perception 24 Chapter I: Introduction 1.1 Background One of the changes brought about by globalization is change in consumer demand. Changes in consumer demand have impacted several business sectors including the t ourism sector. As demand for new sectors has developed tourists constantly seek newer destinations. In the 20th century tourism has grown as the world’s largest industry even surpassing industries such as autos, steel, electronics, and agriculture (Sirgy & Su, 2000). Tourism is a large source of foreign exchange, employment and enhanced income due to which all attention and resources are diverted towards this industry. Changes have occurred in the structure of the society as a result of more purchasing power in the hands of the people. This is one of the strong reasons that tourism worldwide has grown proportions. It thus becomes the responsibility of the destination managers

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A written analysis of an ethical dilemma in health care ethics Essay

A written analysis of an ethical dilemma in health care ethics - Essay Example The health care industry is one such organisation that tries to balance individual thought and critical thinking decision-making skills with ethical guidelines set forth via laws, regulations, and company policies. Every person, regardless of his or her chosen career or lifestyle, will eventually be forced to make a decision in an ethical dilemma. This dilemma may be as simple as whether or not to tell a friend that he or she may be getting laid off from work or as difficult as deciding whether or not a person has the sense and capability of making a decision on his or her own regarding healthcare and treatment. Doctors often face scenarios such as these often. Generally, doctors can turn to laws and legal documentation regarding how to proceed with a course of action. For example, if a woman were to go to a hospital with an extreme case of preeclampsia: do the doctors work to save her life and the life of her child, or do they respect the patient's wishes to be left alone. In this particular scenario, several people are involved in the decision-making process; and several others hold stakes in the results of the decision once made. First, the mother has already been informed that without a caesarean, she will die. Additionally, without allowing the doctors to perform the caesarean, the mother has been informed that her baby will also die. The third group of stakeholders in this scenario is the doctors treating Mrs. M. The Doctors face the difficult decision of forcing Mrs. M to endure a terrifying and difficult procedure, or allowing Mrs. M to make a choice that may kill both herself and her baby. Preeclampsia, sometimes called toxaemia, affects nearly five percent of all pregnancies throughout the world (Cleveland Clinic 2007); this disorder is "one of the leading causes of premature births and the difficulties that can accompany them" (Cleveland Clinic 2007, 2). This is because when a woman acquires preeclampsia her uterus becomes deprived of oxygen due to the low amounts of blood able to flow there. Some doctors believe that this spike in blood pressure is caused by poor nutrition; however to date there has been no specific cause defined. The only known cure for preeclampsia to date is to birth the baby. However, since many cases of preeclampsia become apparent merely half-way through a pregnancy, this may not always prove to be the best or most viable option (Cleveland Clinic 2007). If too early in the pregnancy, some doctors can monitor the baby's health and attempt to let the baby stay in the womb for a longer period of time to develop more fully before being delivered. However, in this particular scenario, allowing the baby to remain inside the mother's womb was not an option. The preeclampsia had already placed both the baby and the soon-to-be mother in danger of losing their lives. Allowing the child to remain inside the mother would surely kill both mother and child. A caesarean section is a procedure in which doctors can deliver the mother's baby "through an incision made on [her] pregnant belly" (BellyBelly 2007, 1). Essentially, rather than allow the baby to finish developing in the womb and be birthed vaginally, doctors believed that the best way to ensure safe delivery would be to cut

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Victorian Upward Mobility as Viewed by Three Novels Essay Example for Free

The Victorian Upward Mobility as Viewed by Three Novels Essay Victorian refers to the things and events that had developed during the period where Queen Victoria was the ruler of the British Empire. This era had been the prelude of   modern Europe. This is the time were people began to feel the need for urbanization. The people tend to move to the cities. They leaved their farms and took on the city life and its opportunities for a better living. Some had flocked to London and Manchester which had caused those cities to be densely populated. There had been a growing number of industries and many factories had been instituted in the London and other big cities in Britain. The poor people of the cities were displaced because their previous places had now been occupied by big industrial plants. The decreasing number of farm lands in Britain had caused the empire to depend heavily on the raw materials of the colony. The British Empire had further their grip in the colony causing large amount of conflicts with other imperialist like the French and the Spaniards. Some people had migrated to the colonies to explore and establish an improved living in wide farms; and also to supply the burgeoning need of the empire.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the Victorian era signifies a period of economic prosperity and industrial successes. There had also been a quick changes and developments in almost every field of knowledge. This is the time where Darwin, Marx and Freud had appeared. They had presented modern ideologies that seem to be altering and deviating with the old view of things. This occurrence had caused some historians to describe the Victorian era as a transition period towards modernity. This claim was proven by many factors. First, the power of the churches and other religious groups weakened. The people no longer derived their morality from the church; the people seemed to derive their morality from society-based standards. The people began to feel the connection between themselves and the society that they sought alliances with socio-civic groups. The period was also characterized as the golden age for democracy in Britain where people had felt the power of their voices and the freedom to express their sentiments to the state and to its policies. The abolition of slavery was the first indication of this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, many scholars had preferred to describe the Victorian era as old fashioned and traditional. This may brought a lot of confusion because Victorian era is described as the prelude to modernity where harsh and radical changes had occurred. However, this is true to the early period of the era that many scholars had accounted that it was a period of harsh transition. The technology may have improved but the society seemed to be stagnant , and radical changes were not accepted at first. However, the development of the era had been accounted by many scholars as a struggle for both the society and the people. The people appeared to accept the technological development but were stiff on accepting the sociological and the political development.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the capitalist view of life was never removed and capitalism was still the key player in terms of economic policies. However, even though capitalism had demolished the feudal lords and feudalism yet the bourgeoisies remained. Social stratifications were still common and many, during the Victorian era, had motives to further increasing their wealth and their status. This is the basis of why many scholars had argued that the Victorian era is old fashioned and traditional.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the status of men was still higher than women. There were certain rights that where only entitled to the male and were prohibited to the women, example of this is the right to suffrage and the right to college education. However, one of the most significant revolutions that had occurred in the Victorian era is the high degree of activism which had caused the major changes to the society and to the Victorian period itself. Many of these activisms were women-driven and their tool was the pen and the paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though the early British society did not much recognized the work of women, many women still had ventured into writing.   They had adopted male names to disguise themselves and in order that their work be sold and be read by the people seriously .This was the beginning of feminism. Few of these writers were Mary Ann Evans, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte and Jane Austen. Moreover, many of these works had fairly described the people and the setting of the Victorian period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Mary Ann (Marian) Evans, more commonly known as George Eliot, had ventured into writing, after her marriage with a critic George Henry Lewes. She had become fond of realism and started her way on becoming a writer. This realism was very evident on her first novel, Adam Bede which appeared in 1859. She continued to write that the daughter of Queen Victoria – Princess Louise became an avid fan and admirer of her novels. However, one of the most controversial novels of George Eliot was the Felix Holt, the Radical which appeared in 1866. It was deemed as a social novel because it discussed the effect of the First Reform Act of 1832 to the electoral and electioneering processes. However, the novel did not only focus on the act, however it also discussed the struggles of the different classes of society to maintain or to better his economic stature.   This is commonly referred to as upward mobility and economic advancement. In Felix Holt, the Radical, Harold Transome was being compared and contrasted to Felix Holt. Felix Holt, even though a radical, wanted to live a life in modesty and poverty rather than a life of comfort. However, Harold Transome was a man who wanted material success and security. He wanted that the wealth and estate he had so long worked hard for will not be lose to obnoxious undertakings;   but he wanted to secure it and further increased it. Transome was a clear manifestation of a Victorian gentleman who wanted upward mobility. He decided to run to the elections to the parliament to get hold of a position that will secure his wealth and his estate. However, the electioneering of him and the other radicals was deeply criticized by Holt. The giving of beer to miners in exchanged of their votes was done by the Radicals; however Transome still had lose the election to Philip Debarry . Meanwhile, Felix was involved in pacifying a riot on Election Day and he had been jailed for an allege manslaughter. However, after the election, Debarry and Transome reconciled and had removed him from jail.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, on of the most common among female writers was a woman protagonist. In Felix Holt, the Radical, Esther, Reverend Lyons step daughter, was described to be a modest teacher with refined manners. At the opening of the novel, she antagonized Felix Holt and Felix appeared to despise her. However, as the novel progressed, Esther had seen the goodness of Felix Holt and she softened on him. This was the common characteristics of women in the Victorian period. They were passive and they prized themselves a lot. They were often ambitious and they often desire to marry men with higher social status than them. However, Eliot had been creative and was very effective in the concluding part of the novel. Even though Esther had discovered that she was the real heir to the Transome estate and she had a valid claim to the estate, and even though Harold Transome had been courting her and a life with him was a lot more comfortable than with Felix Holt yet she refused it all. She still chose Felix Holt to be her husband.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, the novel had shown the different struggles that Esther had combated. Before Esther had chose Felix, the narrative immensely described the torments and the anguish that she had been feeling. It is vividly described that Esther like most common Victorian women had the tendency of favoring wealth and prosperity rather than real love. However, she chose to be happy. In this manner, George Eliot had shown the resistance of both Felix and Esther to the Victorian upward mobility.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Likewise, Charlotte Bronte was also an immense female writer during the Victorian period and she had written many successful novels that had been cherished by many generations. However, charlotte like Mary Ann Evans had also disguised her name in publishing her first novel, Jane Eyre in 1847 in the name of Currer Bell. However, Jane Eyre was a realist view of the nineteenth century Britain. It enormously portrayed the role that woman played in the Victorian period.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Jane Eyre was a proof to the claim of many scholars that the early Victorian period was still traditional and old fashioned. In Jane Eyre, the protagonist had described on how female education remained the constant and unchanging. It also described the fact that male superiority was still evident during that time and few privileges were given to women. The story started with a Cinderella-type plot wherein Jane was being maltreated by her evil cousins; however she managed to get away from them when she entered a boarding school for women which was also very common during that time. She had excelled in her subjects and she had become a teacher for two years in the school. Then, afterwards she became a governess and a tutor for a little girl named Adele. She had felled in love with the father of the girl who is Edward Rochester. Jane fell in love with Rochester not because of money but because of his intellect. The character of Jane was often compared and contrasted to the character of Miss Ingram. Miss Ingram was the rival of Jane with the love of Rochester. Miss Ingram was described in the novel as beautiful and had a high social stratum. Yet both Jane and Edward knew the financial ambitions of Miss Ingram. So Edward proposed to Jane and she accepted. However, at the marriage ceremony, Mr. Briggs interrupted. Edward and Jane could not marry each other because Edward was married to Bertha Mason. Bertha Mason was the psychotic who was incarcerated by Edward in the attic and whose noise disturbed Jane when she was a tutor to Adele.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, Edward had married Bertha because of the same reason as Miss Ingram would like to marry him –money. This was the turning point of the novel and it this innately described the upward mobility that both would like to experienced. However, like Eliot, Bronte had positioned the protagonist to resist the urge of an upward mobility. In the ending, it was very evident that true love still prevailed. Even though Jane had been an heiress, she tried to seek Edward and had been reunited with him and had married each other.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   However, Charles Dickens, a male writer had also contributed to the description of upward mobility in the Victorian period. In his novel, Great Expectations, in 1861 described a story filled with great expectations and surprises. Pip, the protagonist, was a person of humble beginnings who rose through the odds to better his social status. At a young age, he had accompanied Miss Havisham, a spinster, and was scorned by her adopted daughter, Estella. Due to the love that Pip felt for Estella, he had promised himself that he will become prosperous and rich to win her love. With the help of a mysterious benefactor, Pip had better his stature and had gained economic prosperity and upward mobility. However, when he came back for Estella, Estella had married Drummle. However, he soon discovered the identity of his benefactor and it was Magwitch, the convict he helped to escape when he was just young. He also had discovered that Magwitch was the real father of Estella. However, the convict, even helped by Pip, did not escape the authority. Yet in the end, Pip had resolved to part from his material accomplishments. He sought Estella and found happiness with her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moreover, the three novels had described vividly the setting of the Victorian period. Men and women during those times were status conscious and most wanted to marry in order to better his social position. However, in the three novels, the authors had clearly resisted the conventions of the upward mobility of the Victorian period. They had inclined their protagonist in pursuing happiness rather than material accomplishment. Works Cited Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Courage Books, 1989. Dickens, Charles. Great Expectations. New York:   BarnesNoble, 2000. Eliot, George. Felix Holt, the Radical. New York: Penguins, 1970.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Critical Analysis Of Fast Food

A Critical Analysis Of Fast Food The paper is an essay a critical analysis of fast food. Both arguments for and against fast food are brought forth and thoroughly explained. A brief history of first food also constitutes part of this essay. It has been argued that change is as good as rest. The development of fast food was instigated by swift pace of life, the need to save time, energy, engaging in other activities other than cooking and spending time in the field and hectic schedule currently experience by the working human populations. Fast food is refers to those kinds of food that are prepared and ready to be eaten within the shortest time possible. Additionally, fast food constitute foodstuffs that are available for sale in restaurants and stores made up of ingredients that that can be preheated or precooked without any problem and served in a take away form (Egerton Bleidt 13). Fast foods are characterized by high fat content, high calories, high cholesterol, and quick, convenient and high sodium concentration. Similarly, it is inexpensive made from ingredients that are cheap such as fat meat and refined grains. These kinds of foods are not only available in restaurants but also in vending equipment as well as 24-hour expediency stores. According to Brown 1, U.S.A had the number of fast food restaurants about 14,000 followed by Japan which had approximately 4,000 restaurants. Globally, there are close to 11, 000 restaurants that serve fast food as at 2008. Additionally, close to 10 million people are served with fast food in the entire world in any given day. It is worth noting that although fast food has gain popularity, there are disadvantages as well as advantages of the same which thus forms the backbone of this paper. Examples of fast food include the following, sandwiches, hot dogs, pitas, fried chicken, French fries, chicken nuggets, tacos, pizza, hamburgers, fish and chips and ice cream to mention but a few (Egerton Bleidt 313). 2.0 History of fast food History of fast food can be linked to urbanization as well as the various activities done by certain persons within the community for instance soldiers, shepherds, hunters among others who were in need of foodstuffs that can be consumed very fast and of course far from homes. Historically, in the past men were born to work in the field while women were to spend most of their lives in activities associated with the kitchen which include cooking. When we consider family size, the work done by a woman for instance cooking for a family of 10 for a full year using the tradition way of chopping, grinding is nothing but slavery. For instance, in Mexico, those families that had no servant in their disposal, a woman could spend over five hours preparing dough and waking as early as 3:00am in the morning to prepared breakfast (Laudan 38). The need to change this scenario is attributed to development of fast food. In the wake of 20th century Italy enjoyed the first pasta made from a factory and canned tomatoes. Later, Japanese women were relieved from waking up early to prepared bread by simply buying bread baked in factories. Similarly, in Greece, barley was roasted so that it can be eaten straight or mixed with milk, water or butter. In Mexico and the Aztecs, they roasted and ground maize. Further development followed in coming up with fast food and eventually supermarkets opened their doors in Eastern Europe making people enjoyed convenience and reliability of ready made food. This is what was needed over this long period of time; food that was fast can be preserved, affordable and processed. 3.0 Arguments supporting fast food It is worth noting from the onset that there is a tussle between supporters and opponents of fast food. According to Laudan 34, those against the idea of fast food lack appreciation by demeaning the efforts of and home economists that have tried to come up with crops that have very high yield and recipes for our daily meals respectively. 3.1. Saves time The most notable argument brought forth in support of fast food is that it saves time as well as convenience. Considering the fact that the current society is characterized with hectic work schedule making individuals be very busy most of their times, no time is available for them to look for food (Egerton Bleidt 203). Hence, fast food comes in handy. It is worth noting that minimal time is spend by visiting those restaurant as customers are served quickly, the time that could be lost in waiting for other foods to be cooked or cooking at home can be used to do other things. Additionally, the traditional role of men working in the fields and women spending almost their entire life in cooking for their families has changed as they can engage in other activities that are profitable to the society. On the same note fast food save time in the context that one will not engage in all those activities of buying, cleaning such food stuffs, cooking as well as washing dishes. It is also true that when one gets home after a tiresome day thus very tired and bored, the efforts needed to cook can be substituted with having fast food which are considered God sent especially during such moments. 3.2 Saves money Similarly, fast foods are cheaper. This is because they are made from cheaper ingredients such as refined grains, meat with a lot of fat among others instead of ingredients that are expensive and nutritious such as vegetables, lean meat and fresh fruits. On the same note considering people who live alone, the expenses of cooking are much higher compared to when buying fast food. It has been noted that with as low as $5.0 one can get a fulfilling meal without undergoing the numerous hustle of acquiring the same. In addition taking the context of soldiers or those who engage in similar activities, a lot of money is saved when these individual carry processed fast food. One, they will not need energy to cook such food and if need be, energy consumption will be minimal as compared to energy needed to cook à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¹Ã…“slow foodà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢. The money save can be used elsewhere. 3.3 Health advantage Despite the fact that those opposing fast food claim that it results to various problems in human health, it is worth noting that fast foods have contributed to taller and individuals with higher life expectancy. When our ancestors are compared with the current generation, it is evident that we are better off in fighting diseases hence living longer this is thanks to better medication, health science as well as fast food stuffs (Egerton Bleidt 113). 3.4 Sharing and convenience It is evident that fast food are usually packed in away that it can be taken out of the restaurant and eaten from anywhere, be it in the car, office, at the bus station. Additionally, unlike other kinds of food, fast food comes with the absolute advantage of splitting and sharing between or even amongst individuals (Watson 32). On the same note, there are those individual who do not like eating in public places, in this case fast food comes in handy as it can be consumed from any point. On the same note, when one is in a rush, he or she does not need to find a parking space; similarly, one does not need to get out of the car especially during bad whether. 3.5 Provision of employment and revenue generation In the current society, job opportunities have proved to be scarce. The faster growth of this industry globally stands at bout 5% and in the case of India, it stands at 41%. This kind of growth has seen to it a number of individuals are absorbed in this industry easing the problem of unemployment and overdependence on those few individuals who are employed. It is worth noting that the industry provide job opportunities to a range of professionals such as chefs, accountants, drivers, bakers, human resource managers (Lee et al 84). In terms of revenue generation, U.S alone generated about $100 billion in 2000 up from around 6 billion dollars thirty years ago. This value hit $145 billion mark in 2006; this kind of money can be used in various areas of fostering economy of the country such as financial medical care, education building infrastructure and so on. 3.6 Reliability A study carried out asking why individuals bought fast food established that reliability of such kind of food is what propels them to buying them. Fast foods are easy to obtain, are in plenty, varied in nature and readily available. 3.7 Nutritional information Most of the fast food joints have adopted a culture of making available the information concerning nutrients of their food. It is worth mentioning that with such kind of information as well as a number food stuff variety, one has a chance to choose the best kind of food that suits him or her. According to Conway many fast food restaurants provide guideline on nutrition in their menu, and those menus have significantly changed to include various healthy food stuffs for instance salads (Lee et al 77). 3.8 Promoted agriculture Since the ingredients used in making fast5 food are either from plant or animal origin, the rapid development of the industry has tremendously increased the number of individuals who practice crop farming as well as livestock keeping. Considering the large number of chickens, fish, grain mattock and beef needed more and more persons have engaged themselves in agricultural activities with the aim of earning an income as they try to meet the demand of fast food market (Watson 43). It is worth noting that agricultural development and growth especially in third world countries provide a larger portion of the population with job opportunities. This in turn help cut down the escalating number of unemployed citizen in any given country. The economic multiplier effect of expansion in agriculture has resulted to a positive Gross Domestic Product of various countries. 4.0 Arguments against fast food Those individuals that strongly oppose the idea of fast food in most cases cite the health risk the food poses to human kind. They totally disagree with those points brought forth by those who are pro fast food saying that nothing comes first than human health. 4.1 Health issues It has been brought forth that fast foods are characterized by high fat content, high calories, high cholesterol, and quick, high sodium concentration and made from ingredients that are cheap such as fat meat and refined grains. All these pose a greater risk to human health. Prominent scholars and health professionals have linked too much eating of fast food with such health problems as obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders, and liver problems. 4.1.1 Heart attack Fast foods are prepared using Trans fat which is an artery-clogging fat. Food prepared using this fat includes French fries as well as chicken nuggets to mention but a few. When an individual takes this kind of food, there are very high chances of such an individual to have higher level of cholesterol which tremendously increases the risk of suffering from heart failures that can be fatal. 4.1.2 Increased high blood pressure As previously mention, fast food contains a good deal of sodium concentration, this aggravates the risk of high blood pressure. Higher concentration of sodium not only causes high blood pressure but also leads to a build up of fluid in those individuals affected by cirrhosis, heart problems as well as kidney disorders (Brennan Carpenter 510). 4.1.3 Obesity According to Wood 21 food such as cheeseburger do contain substantially larger amount of calories than what our body needs. Continual eating of such kind of food means that we accumulate a lot of calories in our body that are not useful leading to individuals being obese. This scenario is a perfect environment thus for a number of serious health problems as heart attack, cancer as well as diabetes. It is important to remember that this leads to other cost. In 2006 it was estimated that approximately $145 billion were spent in buying fast food, the amount coined to treating the problems associated with fast food did surpass the revenue generated. 4.1.4 Liver problem According to Doctor Ballantyne Christine of Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, frequent consumption of fast food leads to liver damage. Since the liver is responsible for purification/filtering of harmful substances as well as producing substances that help breakdown fats, when fast foods are consumed every now and then, the liver will be overloaded and damaged. This in turn leads to very serious health problems that can be fatal. 4.1.5 Stroke A study carried out by the University of Michigan established that those individuals who lived within a walking distance to a restaurant where fast food are sold have 13% chances of suffering from stroke. This is thus linked to the effects of obesity, high blood pressure and so on. 4.2 Addiction It has been documented that fast food is addictive. What this means is that individuals who are used to eating such foods cannot go for long without having a bit of such food. This is despite the fact of the health risk they are posing themselves to. Addiction is attributed to the fact that fast food high in calories, fats, salt and sugar usually reconfigure certain hormones in human body making the body yearn for more fast food (Brennan Carpenter 510). This leads to uncontrolled intake of such kind of foods making it more difficult for an individual to change their eating habits. 4.3 Higher chances of contamination Since fast food constitutes the type of foodstuffs that can be prepared within a very short time, some ingredients especially from plant origin have contaminants. The presence of these contaminants coupled with such cooking methods as frying and grilling do aggravate the problem of carcinogens as well as other kinds of contaminant which are deadly to human health. Additionally, the manner with which fast food are cooked leaves room for survival of microbes this is due to the fact that they are half-cooked. The presence of such microbes usually leads to a suffering from numerous diseases that when not properly and quickly treated lead to death. 4.4 Family bond The issue of fast food has been brought forth as another factor that jeopardizes family bond. This is because no or very minimal time is used in preparing food together, leave alone eating together. Young people are spending more of their time in having a meal with their fellow friends other than their family members (Schlosser 211). Psychologist hold that meal time is a family meeting where each and every member is in a position to share their thought, ideas, problems as well as feelings. This usually helps in strengthening the bond between and among family members. This is in jeopardy during this era of growth in fast food industries. 4.5 Lower nutritional content Fast food has been linked and it is a fact that most of them apart from pizza lack dietary fiber as well as essential micro-nutrients such as vitamin and minerals. It is worth mentioning that food that lack fiber brings with it a number of stomach complication such as constipation. In the same respect, fruit usually lack in this sort of diet. In addition fast food are not nutritionally balanced, this lack of essential nutrients leads to malnutrition to both adults and kids (Arsenault 5). 4.6 Environmental impact Although this can be disputed as mere statement with no facts, the impact of fast food when critically analyzed will leave one puzzled. According to the finding of New Community Project, approximately 15 pounds of grain and close to 2,500 gallons of water is used to come up with one pound of hamburger. Similarly considering the pace with which meat is consumed through fast food, more land will need to be created especially through deforestation to provide enough space to rising up castles, sheep and goats (Brennan Carpenter 507). What this mean is that our natural ecosystems will be interfered with in the long ran leading to serious consequences as species extinction, habitat destruction, global warming and many negative environmental impacts that do have serious and lethal consequences to human beings. Additionally, over reliance on animal food product will mean that both terrestrial and marine life will be overexploited to meet the ever increasing human demand on fast food (Schlosser 300). 4.7 Expensive Although previously it was stated that fast food is inexpensive, that was only true when considering an individual buying such kind of food Vis avis cooking at home. It is important to not that a family visiting or buying fast food once in a while is not that expensive, but when this is done more often, then the amount of money spent can be quite much more as compared to if the family could just buy the food in super market, take the time to prepared it and enjoy a dinner or lunch together as a family (Arsenault 12). Additionally, in fast food joints, even if the whole family goes there, the environment is not very conducive to ensure that each and every family members share their thought, feeling and ideas because the time to spend in such areas are always limited. 5.0 Dealing with the problem On the basis of the argument for and against fast food, it will only be rational if we seriously think and act properly. Proponents of fast food usually say those who that argue against fast food are misplaced, what they need to do is to advocate for high quality processed food. At present, what is needed is to develop a culture that is in line with fast processed food. The culture need to provide choices to individuals, ethos that does not intolerant. It is worth to note that this will create the kind of uniformity we need at the present (Laudan 39). It will be responsible if; Parents do not encourage their kids to frequently eat fast food as well as teaching them on how to eat healthy Parent should lead by example and encourage eating together at home Choosing healthy food with vegetables, less sodium, sugar and fat In cases where one is addicted to such kind of food, efforts should be made to help him/her out of the problem through the various available ways for instance seeing a nutritionist (Laudan 39) 6.0 Conclusion From the review of both arguments for and against fast food, it is very easy for one to advocate doing away with it. But further consideration can make one to on which side to take. Among the arguments brought forth by proponent of fast food include the following; fast food are cheap, convenient, reliable, Saves time, provide an opportunity of sharing, provision of employment and revenue generation among others. On the other hand, the various disadvantages that have been used to argue against fast food include the health concern of such food stuffs, the lower nutritional content, the negative impact it posses to the environment, higher chances of contamination there by increasing the risk of diseases, addiction, destruction or jeopardizing family bond to mention but a few. It is worth mentioning that the types of diseases or health hazard associated with fast food include but not limited to obesity, high blood pressure, liver problems, and heart problems/failure. From my point of view, I do not advocate for doing away with fast food due to its various disadvantages, I thus borrow from what Laudan, Rachel brought forth, that we should not fight the industry and bring it down to its knees but rather champion for further improvement of fast food that will bring out high quality and healthy food. This will indeed ensure that people consume healthy foods and at the same time cushioning those that depend on the industry for their daily bread from economic uncertainty of doing way with the sector.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reality and Illusion in Shakespeares Hamlet - Appearance versus Realit

Appearance versus Reality in Hamlet      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Appearance versus reality is one of the central themes of Shakespeare's play, Hamlet. The characters in the play assume roles for the purpose of concealment - Claudius, in reality a murderer and usurper, plays the roles of grieving brother and rightful king; the adulterous Gertrude plays the role of a 'most seeming-virtuous queen' when she is, in her son's view, a 'most pernicious woman'. Even Hamlet himself assumes the role of a madman in his attempt to establish the reality of his uncle's guilt.    In 1.2, the anxious Gertrude asks her son why he is taking the death of his father so personally...    Why seems it so particular with thee?    Hamlet indignantly asserts the sincerity of his grief....    Seems, madam? Nay, it is. I know not 'seems'. 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of forc'd breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye Nor the dejected haviour of the visage, Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief, For they are actions that a man might play; But I have that within which passes show, These but the trappings and the suits of woe.    Here the prince may be implying that his mother's grief, unlike his own, is merely an appearance.    When the ghost of old Hamlet appears and reveals to his grieving son the horrific details of his death at the hands of his treacherous brother, the theme of appearance versus reality becomes firmly rooted in the plot as Hamlet is presented with a moral dilemma. If the ghost is in reality what he appears to be, then Claudius is merely an appearance, an arch-hypocrite. The king is not in re... ... A.C. Quote. Literary Companion to British Authors: William Shakespeare. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1996. Danson, Lawrence. "Tragic Alphabet." Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York City: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 65-86 Findlay, Alison. "Hamlet: A Document in Madness." New Essays on Hamlet. Ed. Mark Thornton Burnett and John Manning. New York: AMS Press, 1994. 189-205. Hopkins, Lisa. "Parison and the Impossible Comparison." New Essays on Hamlet. Ed. Mark Thornton Burnett and John Manning. New York: AMS Press, 1994. 153-164. Rose, Mark. "Reforming the Role." Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York City: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 117-128 Wiggins, Martin. "Hamlet Within the Prince." New Essays on Hamlet. Ed. Mark Thornton Burnett and John Manning. New York: AMS Press, 1994. 209-226.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Anne Bradstreet :: essays research papers

Anne Bradstreet: American Poet   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Anne Bradstreet is seen as a true poetic writer for the seventeenth century. She exhibits a strong Puritan voice and is one of the first notable poets to write English verse in the American colonies. Bradstreet’s work symbolizes both her Puritan and feminine ideals and appeals to a wide audience of readers. American Puritan culture was basically unstable, with various inchoate formations of social, political, and religious powers competing publicly. Her thoughts are usually on the reality surrounding her or images from the Bible. Bradstreet’s writing is that of her personal and Puritan life. Anne Bradstreet’s individualism lies in her choice of material rather than in her style.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anne Bradstreet was born in 1612 to Thomas and Dorothy Dudley in Northampton, England. Her father and a young man named Simon Bradstreet were chosen by the Earl of Lincoln as stewards to manage the Earl’s affairs. Anne, unlike many women of her time, was well educated and it is presumed that she had access to the Earl’s vast library during this time. The Earl’s residence was known for its romantic background and this proved true in 1628 when Anne and Simon married. She was only sixteen to his twenty-five years but they were known to have a happy marriage as evidenced in â€Å"To my Dear and Loving Husband† where Bradstreet laments, â€Å"If ever two were one, than surely we† (125). In 1630, the Dudley’s and the Bradstreet’s, along with other Puritans, sailed aboard the Arabella to settle the Massachusetts Bay Colony. These families journeyed to America as many Puritan settlers had before them, in the hopes of religi ous freedoms unattainable in England. In the colonies, Anne’s husband was frequently absent. Bradstreet still found time to write her poetry while raising her 8 children and carrying on the strenuous duties of colonial life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Though Bradstreet accepted the tenets of Puritanism, anti-Puritan texts are found in her poetry in terms of religious doubts as in â€Å"Meditations† to her children where she speculates if the Scriptures are true or contrived. Anne Bradstreet also deviates from traditional Puritan writings of the time by composing poetry for pleasure and self expression as opposed to writings of preaching and teaching as was the standard. Bradstreet is not truly unorthodox in that she did not dissent from accepted beliefs and doctrine, but lived in an intensely religious, male dominated society which put many limitations on women and their roles.

Visions of Utopia in Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe :: Defoe Robinson Crusoe Essays

Visions of Utopia in Robinson Crusoe  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Daniel Defoe achieved literary immortality when, in April 1719, he published Robinson Crusoe" (Stockton 2321). It dared to challenge the political, social, and economic status quo of his time. By depicting the utopian environment in which was created in the absence of society, Defoe criticizes the political and economic aspect of England's society, but is also able to show the narrator's relationship with nature in a vivid account of the personal growth and development that took place while stranded in solitude. Crusoe becomes "the universal representative, the person, for whom every reader could substitute himself" (Coleridge 2318). "Thus, Defoe persuades us to see remote islands and the solitude of the human soul. By believing fixedly in the solidity of the plot and its earthiness, he has subdued every other element to his design and has roped a whole universe into harmony" (Woolf 2303). A common theme often portrayed in literature is the individual vs. society. In the beginning of Robinson Crusoe , the narrator deals with, not society, but his family's views on how he was bound to fail in life if his parents' expectations of him taking the family business were not met. However, Defoe's novel was somewhat autobiographical. "What Defoe wrote was intimately connected with the sort of life he led, with the friends and enemies he made, and with the interests of natural to a merchant and a Dissenter" (Sutherland 2). These similarities are seen throughout the novel. "My father...gave me serious and excellent counsel against what he foresaw was my design," says Crusoe (Defoe 8-9) . Like Crusoe, Defoe also rebelled against his parents. Unlike Crusoe, however, Defoe printed many essays and papers that rebelled against the government and society, just as Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World, did in England by depicting society languishing in social malaise (Marowski 231). It were these writings that eventually got Defoe charged with libel and imprisoned (DIScovering Authors). In Defoe's life it was the ministry that his father wanted him to pursue (Sutherland 2), but, instead, Defoe chose to become a tradesman (DIScovering Biography). The depth of the relationship between Crusoe and his parents in the book was specifically not elaborated upon because his parent's become symbolic not only of all parents, but of society. In keeping this ambiguous relationship, Defoe is able to make Crusoe's abrupt exodus much more believable and, thus, more humane.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Red Badge of Courage Essay

â€Å"The central thrust of the Red Badge of Courage is directed towards the puncturing of Henry Fleming’s youthful range of illusions. † â€Å"Our inescapable conclusion concerning Red Badge of Courage is that Fleming is as deluded as the novel ends as he is when he first joins the Union Forces. † Which of the above assessments of the development of Henry Fleming’s character do you feel comes closest to the truth? In your answer you should Consider the arguments for and against accepting the question’s assertions; Bring to bear knowledge of external critical opinion on the issue; Look at contextual aspects of the novel in relation to the topic under consideration. ANSWER I feel that both these arguments show strong opinions and though both show a critical view of Henry Fleming, they are opposing views. The first statement seems to come closest to the truth in that the narrator uses irony to mock and deride Henry yet at the same time he feels a certain affinity with him also. Statement two is a conclusion but not inescapable as Henry, although still deluded, is not as deluded as he was at the time he joined the Union Army. In choosing statement one to be the truer of the two I have come to the conclusion that the narrator is being used as a figure who mocks Henry’s egotism and self deception on one hand then shows sympathy on the other. Stephen Crane uses the narrator to tell the story from a third party point of view and therefore can use this to get his points across. This use of third parties belies Crane’s own experiences of death and mutilation both in his private life with the death of his siblings and in the stories, pictures and photographs he has seen whilst researching the book. It is possible, Stephen Crane had read General Ulysses S Grant’s memoirs and also â€Å"Battles and Leaders of the Civil War†, which was a very popular and factual compendium of four books at the time and he no doubt saw Mathew B Brady’s photographs of the Civil War in these also. The novel is a naturalistic human- interest story but Crane uses the experiences of ordinary soldiers who fought during the Civil War to get the feel of how young men were forever changed by their experiences. Crane cleverly uses contrasts to show how Henry feels at differing times, using monster images to show how active an imagination Henry has, for example to describe a column of men, â€Å"two serpents crawling from the cavern of night†. Crane also uses nature and colour to show contrasts, with constant references to how the sky looks and the fact that â€Å"Mother Nature† still goes on regardless of anything that puny men can do to themselves, for example â€Å"a river, amber tinted in the shadow of its banks, purled at the army’s feet, and at night, when the stream had become of a sorrowful blackness, one could see across it the red, eye-like gleam of hostile campfires†¦ † Phrases like â€Å"A fair field holding life. †¦ It would die if its timid eyes were compelled to see blood† and â€Å"He conceived nature to be a woman with a deep aversion to tragedy† all show Henry’s wonderment at the fact that nature can carry on despite what happens, and at times the narrator sometimes unfairly mocks Henry for this. As the story develops and we see how Henry deals with the harsh realities of war the use of symbols becomes more developed, with Henry seeing the darker sides to war and death. This is when, I feel, the narrator becomes sympathetic to Henry as he tries to reconcile himself with the terrible things he has seen and done. The narrator give the most sympathy to Henry when he gets lost in the woods and finds a dead man, â€Å"horror-stricken by the sight of a thing† and again when he meets up with Jim Conklin and watches as he dies. Paradoxically he mocks when Henry’s thoughts turn to death and the hope that he â€Å"would be understood† in the afterlife. When Henry celebrates victory too soon and then runs away and when Henry leaves the tattered man to die despite staying with Jim whilst he died. After Henry returns to his own camp and Wilson tends his wound he gets very defensive if anyone mentions his absence or his wound, to the point of him thinking of blackmailing Wilson with the return of his letters and the narrator here shows how Henry is feeling superior yet benevolent, thinking himself the better for not being able to conjure up a scathing remark and how his self justification makes him pompous, devious and condescending. Henrys illusions are punctured again when after bravely fighting, he hears the veterans laughing at him, which only provokes him to further prove his own worth on the battlefield. His perception of the battle is now coloured by the â€Å"brotherhood of battle. † The second claim, is wrong in that Henry is not as deluded as he was, he has fought his demons and come out on the other side, not perfect, but able to realise that he has done dreadful things and he will have to live with them. Crane uses this discovery of self to great aplomb as he makes Henry question himself in the final chapter. Henry has a totally selfish and biased view of the world at the start, which slowly unravels as the story goes on. Crane uses the narrator to give us an insight into Henry’s mind by verbalising his thoughts and giving the narrators view of his actions. This in turn helps us to see the turmoil that Henry faces both within fighting the war and within himself. He turns out to despise his early blusterings and convinces himself that he has matured fully. Although this is not true, he has matured to some extent by being able to see the flaws in his character. Henry still romanticises himself and his surroundings but his personal battle between his consious fear and his desire to become a hero has been won. When Henry joined up he believed that he would become a great hero and that he would win great battles, he of course had never even seen a battle except those that went on in his head. He boasts and brags, to himself, about how brave he is going to be yet he turns and runs once the realities of the fighting become apparent. Through his experiences he slowly comes to terms with the fact that war is bloody and cruel And when his friend shows weakness he stores the information to use at a later date – something he later cannot do. To justify all that he has done he thinks † it had been necessary for him to swallow swords that he might have a better throat for grapes. Fate had, in truth been kind to him. † And to justify leaving the tattered man â€Å"he exclaimed that its importance in the aftertime would be great to him if it even succeeded in hindering the workings of his egotism. † Critics of Stephen Crane have both blasted this story as utter rubbish and Crane’s usage of the third party narrator as him trying to write a biography. General McClurg, when this book was published blasted it as blatant lies. His soldiers would never act like that in such a base manner. McClurg himself fought in the Civil War but being a general was not of course in the front lines of the battle. Many of the men who were, swore that they had fought with Stephen Crane even though he was not born until after the Civil War had ended. Such was the reality of the story to those people. The people who thought that this story was an analogy for Stephen Crane’s life based this assumption on these claims, so therefore, Stephen Crane must know of the battle mindset. Personally I think that Crane had heard so many stories of the war he could picture himself there and could imagine how a young boy would feel going through these experiences. Rather like modern stories penned by writers for television and films. I believe that Crane has shown himself to be a psychological realist in writing this piece and that each reader takes from it what they want in relation to their own experiences and knowledge. Perhaps this was a biographical piece and Crane used Henry to show his own delusions. On discussion of this piece, both within a classroom setting and using discussion groups on computer, I have read and heard many differing views of Henry. These views vary depending on the critic’s age. Many young people see him as egotistical, judgemental and self absorbed whilst mature students see him as just like most teenagers, too young to be able to see the big picture. Henry may be deluded but like most people once maturity sets in delusions become lessened as experience is gained. In conclusion I feel that statement 1 is true because the story develops many internal storylines one of which is the puncturing of Henry Fleming’s youthful range of illusions, of which he has many. Statement 2 on the other hand seems true because Henry is deluded to a certain extent. This is one definite statement with no real detail behind it, the author of it seems to be assuming that Henry can not or will not change.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Factors behind the development and Internationalization of Capital Markets Essay

Financial markets especially the stock market has considerably developed in the past few decades. Several factors have been seen to have aided in their growth and development globally. It has also increased cross-border capital movement, tight links amongst the financial market. The most important element of global market has been increased stock exchange. This paper is therefore aimed at finding the factors which have led to the development and Internationalization of stock exchange facility. Questions to be investigated Objectively, the paper is to disclose the possible factors affecting the Development and internationalization of the capital markets. It is therefore worth notice that these questions has to be addressed: What are the factors that favor the development of international markets?, What are the hindrances in the achievement of fast development of international capital markets? And how do these factors that affect the development of international capital markets affect the domestic markets? Factors influencing the Stock market development and internationalization A least two possible views exists on how economic fundamentals may influence domestic stock market and internationalization.   One of the views is that better institutional and macroeconomic environments spur more developed domestic stock markets hence reduces the need to of the use of international markets. The second part of it is behind a number of recent papers on internationalization, this has no longer been an international finance research topic. With regard to this view, it has been found that poor domestic environments prompt firms and investors to use international markets more intensively. In this, the poor domestic environment has been is considered as one of the main reasons for capital flight and greater use by domestic residents of all types of financial services offered internationally (Collier et al, 1999). This also applies to the services offered by the stock markets, where firms may want to escape a poor domestic system with weak institutions. The recent papers done on where international marketers are considered to be more attractive to the firms from poor institutional environments, this is because they offer better protection to investors. As a result, according to this view poor domestic markets lead to worse domestic development. What comes out clearly in this view is the assumption that even firms from poor domestic environments can choose to go international and will wan to internationalize even more especially if they are located in a country with poor institutional environment and weak capital markets. A second view is based on the fact that a better domestic environment in creases the attractiveness of assets to investors. The markets offer larger amounts of external financing, higher liquidity and lower cost of capital when the firm’s host country improves. Under this view, macroeconomics and institutional factors determine the relative willingness of domestic and international investors to supply financing to firms. Investors in international markets may however reward a better environment more than investors in domestic markets do. If thee be an access to the international markets, then better fundamentals will also be available hence it leas to more use of capital markets. Moreover, with liquidity agglomerating in one market, a process of improved fundamentals and increased internalization may have negative effects on the domestic markets, providing international markets with greater advantage. For this reason, there are arguments for both the positive and negative impact on internationalization in those fundamentals that help to develop the local markets. References Collier, Hoeffler, and Pattilo, (1999); Determinants of Capital flight