Thursday, May 14, 2020

Improving The Success Of A Recruitment Process - 1284 Words

Introduction to the Interview Process Ensuring the success of a recruitment process is vital to any organization’s efficient functioning. Exemplified by the fact that approximately 75 per cent of Canadian firms utilize interviews in the hiring process (Statistics Canada Workplace and Employee Service) , the most dependable method of the recruitment process, from both a recruiter and job seeker perspective, is the employment interview. Not only does an interview process assist employers in making informed selection decisions, it also helps job seekers make better career choices. Therefore it becomes imperative to consider this selection technique before employment decisions are made. If used positively, modern interview techniques can significantly improve the effectiveness of the traditional interview as a selection tool. A major part of the significance of an interview lies in its ability to enable employers in using interpersonal conversations for determination of the capability and relevance of an individual candidate. A profound knowledge of the required skills and experience before the interview process prepares the recruiter to assess the candidate for relevant skills. During an interview, employers not only collect information about a potential employee but also develop an image of the candidate away from the resume. Additional information gained through the interview can effectively facilitate an employer’s selection choice. A good interview is thereforeShow MoreRelatedNike Case Study1004 Words   |  5 PagesRSS Case Study: E-recruitment gets Nike on track Posted by HR Zone in Strategies on Thu, 09/12/2004 - 16:54 0 inShare The Nike employer brand is extremely powerful in attracting potential talent to the business making the process of handling applications and supporting the resourcing process effectively and efficiently critical to business success; implementing e-recruitment was identified as the way to solve this businesses hiring problems. The issue Nike currently receives aroundRead MoreTesting Methods And Interview Process1127 Words   |  5 PagesDepartment recently advanced their recruitment methods, increasing their number of internal candidates by ten percent. Even though their hiring methods have improved, there are three significant methods that can still be improved upon, ultimately increasing their external candidate percentage. 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